
Showing posts from March, 2023

What is Happiness?

Firstly, what is happiness ? Happiness is something that creates a sense of peace within us which cannot be found in anything else. Happiness is a relief that makes our life beautiful. When we are happy, our body, mind and heart are filled with happiness. But is happiness necessary for us? Happiness is a necessity in our life that makes our life beautiful. Happiness is necessary for our body as well. Happiness relaxes our mind and fills our heart with happiness. Happiness also strengthens our relationships. But how can we achieve happiness? To attain happiness, we need to include some things in our life. First, we need to understand ourselves and the people around us. If we love the people around us, they will also love us. Secondly, we should not lack anything in our life. If there is any lack in our life, we should take steps to fulfill it. Thirdly, we should keep ourselves relaxed. To relax our mind, we can do yoga, meditation, and exercise. We can also pursue our favorite hobbies.

Iran and Saudi Arabia Agree to Resume Ties

Iran and Saudi Arabia Agree to Resume Ties After years of tension, Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to resume diplomatic ties. Saudi Arabia cut ties with Iran in 2016 after its embassy in Tehran was stormed during a dispute between the two countries over Riyadh's execution of a Shi'ite Muslim cleric. Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on Friday to re-establish relations after years of hostility that had threatened stability and security in the Gulf and helped fuel conflicts in the Middle East from Yemen to Syria. The announcement has been met with widespread support in both countries. CITIZENS Are very happy to hear that our country is resuming. This is a positive step towards peace and stability in the region. This agreement is a promising development in a region that has seen its fair share of conflict in recent years. As Iran and Saudi Arabia move forward together, the world watches with hope for a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Comparison between the rise of Mongloian and Mughal Empire.

The Mongolian and Mughal Empires were both powerful empires that had a significant impact on the history of the world. Although they existed at different times and in different regions, there are some similarities and differences between these two empires. Similarities: Both empires were founded by powerful leaders who conquered vast territories through Military conquests. The Mongol Empire was founded by Genghis Khan, while the Mughal Empire was founded by Babur.  Both empires were known for their military prowess and their ability to conquer and control vast territories.  Both empires were multi-ethnic and multi-religious, with Mongolians and Mughals both ruling over diverse populations with varying religions and cultures. Both empires had a significant impact on the regions they ruled over, with the Mongol Empire establishing a powerful empire in Central Asia and the Middle East, and the Mughal Empire ruling over much of the Indian subcontinent and leaving a lasting cultur

The Rise of the Mongol Empire

The Mongol Empire was one of the most significant empires in world history, spanning from the 13th to the 14th century. It was a vast empire that covered much of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The Mongol Empire was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206, and it lasted until the 1360s. In this video, we will explore the rise and fall of the Mongol Empire. In the early 13th century, the Mongols were a group of nomadic tribes that lived on the steppes of central Asia. They were a fierce and warlike people who excelled in horseback riding and archery. In 1206, Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes and established a powerful empire. He quickly began to expand his territory, conquering neighboring tribes and nations. Genghis Khan was a brilliant military strategist and a charismatic leader. He implemented a series of military reforms that made the Mongol army one of the most feared in the world. The Mongol army was highly mobile and adept at conducting lightning-fast raids. They were also expe

Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur

Babur, also known as Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur , was the founder of the Mughal Empire in India. He was born on February 14th, 1483, in Uzbekistan. He was a descendent of Timur, and Genghis khan, Genghis khan is also known Temujin a successful warrior and leader, eventually uniting many Mongol tribes under his rule. He was a brilliant military strategist and led his armies to conquer vast territories, including China, Central Asia, and parts of Eastern Europe. His campaigns were characterized by their ferocity and brutality, and he is estimated to have killed millions of people during his conquests.the famous conqueror, Timur, also known as Tamerlane, was a Turkic-Mongol conqueror and founder of the Timurid Empire in the 14th century. He was born on April 9, 1336, in Kesh, a small town in present-day Uzbekistan. Timur began his military career as a young man, fighting under the command of his maternal grandfather and later leading his own campaigns. He quickly gained a reputation as a

Mughal king Humayun

Welcome to the story of Mughal king Humayun , who is remembered as a significant ruler in the history of India. Humayun was the second Mughal emperor, succeeding his father Babur, and his reign laid the foundation for the Mughal empire's growth and prosperity. BIOGRAPHY: Humayun was born in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1508, to Babur and his wife, Maham Begum. He was the eldest son of Babur, who founded the Mughal empire in India in 1526. Humayun received a good education in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish languages and military strategies. He also had a keen interest in astronomy and philosophy. FAMILY: Humayun's family was an important part of his life. He had several wives and concubines, but his marriage to Hamida Banu Begum was the most significant one. She was the mother of his son and successor, Akbar. Humayun had two other sons, Kamran and Askari, who played a significant role in the Mughal empire's history. Humayun's father Babur was also an essential figure in his life,

How To Make wealth by Naval Ravikanth First Five steps

(1) Seek Wealth, Not Money or Status Naval Ravikant. "Seek wealth, not money or status" is a statement made by entrepreneur and investor Naval Ravikant. In his view, wealth encompasses much more than just financial resources or social standing. It includes the ability to create value, to have autonomy over one's life, and to experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Ravikant argues that chasing money or status as ends in themselves can lead to a life of unhappiness and unfulfillment. Money and status can be fleeting and often come with their own set of problems and responsibilities. Instead, he suggests focusing on building skills and creating value in the world. By doing so, individuals can accumulate wealth and enjoy the benefits that come with it, such as financial security, personal freedom, and a sense of purpose. Ultimately, the idea is to pursue wealth as a means to a fulfilling life, rather than just as a way to accumulate money or status. By focusing on crea